Marijuana Possession Can Have Severe Criminal Penalties
Depending on the factors involved, drug charges — possession, distribution, manufacturing, importation, cultivation, etc. — can lead to severe criminal penalties. If you or a loved one has been charged with a drug crime, you need experienced counsel to ensure that your rights are not violated and your future is not in jeopardy.
The defense lawyers at the Shipley Law Firm have the experience to guide clients through the legal process. We understand the severity of criminal charges and the potentially devastating consequences that can result from a conviction.
Although marijuana possession laws have recently changed, it is crucial that you consult with a skilled attorney to learn more about how the laws impact your situation. Each state treats marijuana possession differently. It is still illegal to possess marijuana in Maryland.
Consult us before you speak to the police.
You Can Be Arrested For Medical Marijuana Use
In Maryland, marijuana charges have recently seen substantive changes. Many people think that possession of marijuana in small amounts (less than 10 grams) has been decriminalized. This is not true. Marijuana possession in these small amounts is still illegal. Even as a lesser charge, a criminal conviction can have a serious impact on your educational and employment opportunities.
Many states have decriminalized medical marijuana possession as long as the patient follows the law. Maryland, however, has yet to develop specific medicinal use statutes. Patients can still be arrested for use. To avoid conviction, patients must prove that their use of marijuana falls within Maryland’s medical use laws. You need a knowledgeable lawyer to guide you through the legal process and explain the ever changing laws related to marijuana possession.
Our representation includes Queen Anne’s County, Worcester County and all of the Eastern Shores of Maryland.
We Help You Fight Marijuana Charges
To schedule a consultation at the Easton, Maryland, law office of the Shipley Law Firm, call 410-822-7660 or complete our online contact form. For your convenience, we accept Visa and MasterCard.